Music Criticism and
Racial Discourses


organised by

Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca

in collaboration with

Italian Institute for Applied Musicology

Virtual Conference

18-20 October 2024




The Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini is pleased to invite submissions of proposals for the symposium « Music Criticism and Racial Discourses», to be held from 18 to 20 October 2024.

The relationship between music and criticism has been an important topic of debate in international musicology in recent decades. This conference addresses the complex world of discourses on race in music criticism in the years 1900-1950. In these years, the road towards racism followed two principal paths, the colonial-imperialist and the anti-Judaic, and yet it also involved other people who suffered from racially inspired repression. Witness, for example, the internment of the gypsies during the Second World War, the anti-Slav propaganda campaign and the repression of homosexuals.

This conference has a particular focus on the relationship between music and politics, concentrating on racial discourses in the press of the time, militant musicology, the opinions of composers themselves, the theatrical press and musical iconography.

The programme committee encourages submissions within the following areas, although other topics are also welcome:

  • Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation
  • Writings on Music and the Press
  • Racial Discourses and Musicology
  • Composers as Critics and Race Discourses
  • Racial Discourses in the Music Industry and Music Market
  • Racial Discourses and Mass Media
  • Race and Religion
  • Forms of Race Censorship
  • Race and Music Training / Education
  • Musical and Theatrical Press
  • Race in Musical Iconography

Programme Committee:

  • Roberto Illiano (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini)
  • Massimiliano Locanto (Università di Salerno)
  • Fulvia Morabito (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini)
  • Luca Lévi Sala (Manhattan College, NY)
  • Massimiliano Sala (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini)
  • Franco Sciannameo (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA)

Keynote Speakers:

  • Samuel Llano (University of Manchester)
  • Pamela M. Potter (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

The official languages of the conference are English, French, Italian and Spanish. Papers selected at the conference will be published in a miscellaneous volume.

Papers are limited to twenty minutes in length, allowing time for questions and discussion. Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words and one page of biography.

All proposals should be submitted by email no later than ***Sunday 24 March 2024*** to <>. With your proposal please include your name, contact details (postal address, e-mail and telephone number) and (if applicable) your affiliation.

The committee will make its final decision on the abstracts by April 2024, and contributors will be informed immediately thereafter. Further information about the programme and registration will be announced after that date.

For any additional information, please contact:

Dr. Massimiliano Sala

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